Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cube Steaks and Gravy

I'm way overdue on posting this recipe.  I know I've shared the pictures on my Facebook page.  So sorry it's taken me forever to do this! 

Cube steaks are one of my husband's favorites.  Since we were first married, I have made them on occasion, but they were definitely not a favorite of mine.  This cut of beef is just too chewy for me.  After trying this recipe several months ago, though, my tune has changed.  I've made these several times since then and the whole family loves them.  I'll be making these again tomorrow and will be adding mashed potatoes to the menu as well to enjoy with the delicious gravy that comes with this dish!  This recipe is so super easy.  I love that it slow simmers on the stove so I have plenty of time to prepare a side dish or keep ahead of the mess in the kitchen!  Hope you love this one as much as we do!

The brown gravy mix makes this recipe super simple and so delicious! 

I use 4 cubed steaks.

I melt a tablespoon of butter in my skillet and add in 1/2 cup of chopped onion. (I use frozen onion or onion seasoning blend- in your grocer's freezer section- one of my favorite shortcuts).  Place steaks in skillet and brown on both sides.

While steaks are browning, mix gravy packet according to directions.  Add in 1 T. vinegar and 1 T. brown sugar and mix well.

When steaks are browned on both sides, add in gravy mix.

Cover and simmer on low heat for 20-30 minutes or until meat is tender.  Remove from heat and set aside (covered) for about five minutes.  I've found that this gives the gravy a chance to thicken up a bit. 

Look at that delicious gravy! 

Cube Steaks and Gravy
adapted from www.food.com

 cubed steaks
1 tablespoon butter                                                   
1/2 cup chopped onion                      
1 (1 ounce) package brown gravy mix                       
1 tablespoon  vinegar                                                  
1 tablespoon brown sugar 
Melt butter in a heavy skillet over medium heat.  Add the onions and then steaks, browning steaks on both sides.  While steaks are browning, mix gravy mix according to package directions.  Add vinegar and brown sugar to gravy and mix well.  Pour gravy over steaks and lower heat. Cover and simmer 20 to 30 minutes until meat is tender. Check periodically to make sure liquid does not evaporate.  I have simmered for longer and still had lots of gravy.  ( I typically let this dish rest covered for about 5 minutes before serving, allowing the gravy time to thicken a bit. )


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